When Cannabis Business Owners Need Help…
It gets complicated. Especially in the case of Green Mountain Therapeutics. Business owner, Kellie D’Elia-Laskin had recently begun the arduous process of opening up a cannabis dispensary in Londonderry, VT just in time for it to be flooded by torrential rains that caused the nearby West River to overflow.
The West River overflows flooding Green Mountain Therapeutics in Londonderry, VT 7-10-23
The first thought that may come to mind is, “They must have business insurance that will cover the damages.” But, that would be an incorrect assumption. Generally, flood insurance coverage for structures isn’t included; a separate flood policy is required. And, Kellie is renting the business space from an owner that does not have a flood insurance policy. As if that’s not bad enough, Green Mountain Therapeutics is not yet licensed by the VT Cannabis Control Board which means Kellie cannot purchase a cannabis business insurance policy (or do things like open a cannabis business bank account) without first having a license. Cannabis retailers must be turn key ready, with fire inspection, and CCB inspection complete (requiring a substantial up-front monetary investment) BEFORE the CCB will grant a cannabis license. Creating a terrible Catch-22 if a natural disaster happens, like it just did. It’s no fault of Kellie’s, it’s just how the system is currently set up, leaving new cannabis business owners financially vulnerable while trying to meet the requirements of the CCB for licensure.
Your next thought may be, “Okay, so they could maybe get assistance from organizations such as FEMA, right?” Nope. Because of the Federal Prohibition of Cannabis, state regulated cannabis business do not qualify for ANY type of federal assistance including aid, grants, and loans. This is also why it can be difficult and costly for cannabis businesses to find a bank to work with, but that’s another topic. Are you thinking, “Well, then the state must be stepping up to offer financial assistance to cannabis businesses, right!? Kind of… The CCB and the Vermont Growers Association have requested information from licensed businesses that have been impacted by the recent flooding. The key word here is “licensed” and Green Mountain Therapeutics is not yet licensed.
Most of us that have entered this industry are not financially wealthy. We just love the plant, have witnessed its benefits, and we want to advocate for legal and safe distribution while, hopefully, making a living of it. Unfortunately, there is huge personal financial risk involved. Our businesses are either self funded, or if we’re lucky, have investors or benefactors that want to see us succeed. In Kellie’s case she is 100% self funding her cannabis start-up. Not an easy task for a widowed, single mother, living in a rural town. So far, it has been up to local community members, friends, and family (including her 80 year old father) to rally around Green Mountain Therapeutics and help Kellie repair all of the damage done. Without any state or federal assistance, she will be at the mercy of her own tenacity and the generosity of others. When local fundraisers are held, they are more often than not for businesses considered a necessity to the community or for individuals facing dire circumstances. It’s unlikely anyone thinks about, or even knows about, the little cannabis dispensary start-up and the quagmire they are facing.
Given a chance, I believe that Kellie’s business will bring so much value to our community. She has been restoring a building that has been vacant and in disrepair for I’m not sure how long? (As long as I’ve lived here.) She will be providing jobs and meeting “positive impact” criteria required by the CCB. She will be contributing to our local economy and driving traffic to our little town that will benefit other area businesses, including growers like myself. She will also be providing a local resource for those that choose natural remedies over manufactured ones. And, she will be paying more than her fair share of fees and taxes because that’s how it is in the legal cannabis market.
If you would like to help Kellie and her team at Green Mountain Therapeutics directly, you can do so either financially, by donating materials, food and drinks, and/or your time. You can reach out in one of the following ways if you are moved to offer your support:
Stop by Green Mountain Therapeutics: 2022 North Main Street, Londonderry, VT
Call or Text Kellie at: 775-636-1415
Email: kellielaskin@icloud.com
Venmo: @Kellie-Laskin
PayPal: kellied_2000@yahoo.com
Work has started to repair the flood damage at Green Mountain Therapeutics.